Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Hi everyone, this is my first blog post but I'm here to let everyone know that I will be reviewing some products here soon. I haven't had much time to blog recently or do my videos but just hang in there please I have a lot going on right now but I'm surely getting there! :) I am going to be receiving a new keyboard from Havit that I actually got to name! I'll be doing that unboxing soon on my Youtube. If you don't know what Havit is it is a great tech company making things like keyboards, mouses, headphones, and other equipment. You should definitely check them out especially if you're a gamer or just really like awesome tech things. 

Here's their Facebook page: Here

The keyboard I'll be receiving is the HV-KB346L or now Lammergeier. (Which I got to name, how cool is that??)

Amazon page: Here
Amazon UK: Here

They actually have a sale going on, instead of $139.00 it's $79.99 but there are not a lot left so hurry and get yours if you can. 

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