Tuesday, December 20, 2016

AureolinArt - Etsy


Amazing crochet designs at reasonable prices, this is the perfect shop for Pokemon fans and plush lovers alike.

This is the absolutely adorable Pokemon, Pumpkaboo. This cutie came with its own little Pokeball home. 

Pumpkaboo is one of my very favorite Pokemon of all time and not a lot of merchandise is made of them, or they're not nearly as accessible as something like a Pikachu (which is a crime, I know) so I was so happy AuredlinArt had one! 

This crocheted beauty is a wonderful design and looks exactly like the Pokemon itself. I love how it looks and how well done it is. I cannot imagine crocheting something this well myself and I am so happy that there are people out there like this who can.


The Pokeball fits perfectly over the Pumpkaboo and is kept in place with a little white crocheted ring. This design is incredible and it actually looks really great. This could also be a pretty cool "coin" purse if you like to keep your little critters out. Also, keep in mind, this seller makes all kinds of different Pokemon. Plus I am sure you could request one if you cannot find it already in the store. If you want to check out what they've got, click here!

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