Tuesday, August 23, 2016

MarkThomasCreations - Etsy


Love video games? Love cool things? Love wood stuff?

MatkThomasCreations on Etsy is a great shop for cosplayers and video game fanatics. This is the first shop that have seen cosplay items from things like Sly Cooper and Crash Bandicoot. There are many more items in this shop ranging from Pokemon to God of War to Avatar and Jak & Daxter. 

This Poke ball was my first item from this shop. I really love the authenticity of the ball and it actually opens! This was such a great find, the last time I had one of these babies was back in the 90's! This really brings back the good ol' times, haha.

Also, the writing etched on the ball in Japanese indicates which Pokemon belongs to each ball. How cute?! This would be perfect for those super nerdy proposals you see on Pinterest all of the time. Just add a little cushion inside for the ring!

The second item I had received from this shop is this wonderful Firefly symbol plaque. This is a pretty rare item as it seems no one really makes any of "The Last of us" items. Which I cannot understand, because that is one of my all time favorite games! (It just grinds my gears, ya know?) That is why I was so happy to find this shop and this item specifically. Also the plaque is an exact replica of the symbol it also has the perfect spray paint "apocalypse" look that really ties it all together and makes it look like it is really from the game.

This store was a definite great find. I hope to one day buy some of their more cosplay weapon type items since they are so detailed and realistic. If you would like to check out more of their super cool items, click here!


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